Create a Demo Flow
Select a type
Company onboarding
Add addresses
Add employees
Add contractors
Federal tax setup
State tax setup
Select industry
Set payroll schedule
Manage payroll schedule
Sign all forms
Add bank info
Verify bank account (micro deposits)
Run payroll
Off-cycle payroll
Dismissal payroll
Payroll history
External payroll
Contractor Payments
Company review (end of year)
Reports (No PII)
Requests for information
Manage employee addresses
Company Earned Wage Access Enrollment
Company Workers' Compensation Integration
Company Health Insurance Integration
Recovery cases
Employee self-onboarding
Employee form signing
Employee state taxes
Employee federal taxes
Contractor self-onboarding
Contractor documents
Payroll receipt
Admin name
Company name
Build your custom onboarding flow by selecting the steps you need
Add addresses
Federal tax setup
Select industry
Add bank info
Add employees
Add contractors
Payroll schedule
State setup
Sign all forms
External payroll
Verify bank info
Create demo